I think the obvious lesson to take away from today's class is to expect the unexpected. The inability for the Tyrell Museum to connect with us in the classroom definitely threw off the class plan and dynamics. However, the thing to take away from it is that you have to be able to adapt to new circumstances at every opportunity. 

New media does have some interesting developments for the future. I think that a 3D printer is both frightening and awesome. It's only frightening because it is something that is complete out of my comprehension right now. Almost eerily a Star Trek episode... 

I guess as a teacher I had better prepare myself for new waves of the future, and try my best to stay ahead. It would be pretty difficult to stay ahead, but definitely worth it to keep up with the students in your room. 

It was obvious in class today how easy it was for students to get involved and excited around New Media items. I think as long as you have good supervision and rules in the classroom for the behaviour, activities should run smoothly. It's a huge opportunity to get students motivated and into their learning.