These reflections are turning into a bit of a rant. The latest thing that irritates me as a teacher is interruptions. Today I had plans to return student tests and go over them with the students. We had problems with two particular questions and I wanted students to have the opportunity to get it done ahead of time. 

Instead, the school announces that we have a surprise guest speaker coming in to talk to the students.  This happens to land right on the block I had set aside for these students. 

The next time I see these students will be Wednesday. I have to have final marks in for report cards, and I wasn't planning on giving extra class time for students to complete their work. Now they have a shortened week to get their work into me. 

Im also frustrated because this puts that particular group behind everyone for a class. Unless I slow the other classes for review, this one class will be behind. 

I guess as a teacher, the important lesson to take from this one is flexibility. I will have to adapt this class so students are adequately prepared and on the same page. I also have to be prepared for the constant interruptions that can occur within a classroom. 

A little heads-up would be nice though! 

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