Attendance at this school is a huge deal. Students miss classes every day of the week, and I have several students that have been missing a month at a time. 

How do you adjust your class for a student that's missed three weeks of classes? 

I think one of the hardest parts is collecting evidence from these students to show their learning. The fact is, they haven't learned anything because they haven't been in class. But you still have to assign grades... 

I also have serious questions about how you can pass students and move them along to the next grade if they don't know any of the material from their current grade. How can you hold them back? If a student misses three days of a month, they miss about a month of school a year. When you keep following that trend through their school, they end up falling way behind other students in other schools, and have a difficult time in catching up. 

There are tons of strategies to try to get students into schools.
-Buses come and pick them up
-Breakfast programs
-Monetary incentives for attendance.  
-Calls home

But at the end of the day, the student needs to get themselves up and out of bed on their own. Are they even capable of making that decision on their own? It's even tougher when you think that the parents are often the ones holding students back by not driving, not getting them moving, or being too lazy to take them to school themselves. 

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