The power of the weekend... maybe the teachers greatest strength and weakness. 

I think that weekends are a great way of setting up the week. They allow you with the time to look at where you are at in your unit, and what's left to do. After meeting with my TA last week, I had to chop away about 6 planned lessons to get ready for report cards. 

The weekend allowed me to sit down and plan how I was going to collect evidence for upcoming report cards. Because I had to cut away some of the lessons, I had to think of new ways to show student understanding. Being able to sit down and actually look at how and what you're going to teach is a fantastic resource. 

I know that some people find it easy to relax on weekends and only do work at work, but I think that having an opportunity to actually sit down and reflect and plan without the stress of a class working in the background. Being able to sit and visually set up your expectations actually creates a better classroom due to the lack of stress. 

At the same time though, I think that it's vital for teachers to take part of their weekend for themselves. It's a chance to recuperate and relax, and get some energy back that may have been missing by the end of the week. 

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