A blog (or weblog) is considered to be a personal online  journal of one's opinions, thoughts and rants, published for all the internet world to see. In this particular case, this blog will be focused on the Faculty of Education and the various thoughts and ideas that come out of there. 

There are several different ways that blogs can become effective tools within the classroom. It becomes a place for the individual student to take pride in their work, and showcase their own thoughts and opinions. Blogging allows for a world wide opinion. Students from Japan can coordinate and work with students in England. I think that this would stimulate any student's mind and have them become more engaged in what they are doing, especially if they take ownership of their own corner of the internet. Allowing them to blog gives them a sense of ownership and empowerment that drives them to learn. I believe that it also forces them to push their own boundaries as they continue to try to make their own personal space.  

Stephen Downes mentions in his own article, Educational Blogging that blogging is not only with the student, but with the parents as well. A section on the web allowed for assignments to be posted, student reflection, and for teacher feedback. As mentioned in the article, the blog has become "a virtual extension of the classroom" and I think has allowed a greater connection between the classroom and all those that are involved with it. 

As I've learned so far in this faculty (one solid week) is that when you teach others, you retain that information much more effectively than if it was to be taught to you. Blogging not only allows the teacher to share assignments, but for students to work with each other and effectively become teachers and leaders as well.  

This blog post only quickly touches on some of the benefits of blogging within the classroom, but there are many more to be considered. 

What do you think about blogging within a classroom?

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